「喜びと恐れは切り離せない」演奏家インタビュー:カール=エマニュエル・フィスバッハ氏(サクソフォーン奏者 Carl-Emmanuel Fisbach, Saxophone)


[English is below Japanese]

日本にも何度も演奏のために来られているフランスのサクソフォーン奏者のカール=エマニュエル・フィスバッハ氏(Carl-Emmanuel Fisbach)に、設問に答えて頂く形でインタビュー取材を行いました。


1. まず簡単にあなたの生い立ち、どこでどのように育ったのか、プロのサクソフォーン奏者としての活動を始めたきっかけは何だったのか、などについて教えて頂けますでしょうか?



あとはいたってシンプルです: 私は音楽学校でレッスンを受け始めました。私はパリの南西300キロ、メーヌ=エ=ロワール地方のアンジェに住んでいました。私の旅で特別だと思うのは、最初の先生が、私の最初の情熱であったジャズから、文字通りクラシックのサクソフォーンに惚れ込ませてくれたことです。今日の私の言語は、クラシック音楽と現代音楽です。しかし、ジャズという、たとえ練習していなくても、私がよく知っている言語には非常に親しみを感じています。



私が彼らを引き合いに出したのは、師と仰ぐ以前に、13~14歳の頃から彼らの演奏を繰り返し録音で聴き、ある楽譜の解釈のわずかな抑揚まで暗記していたからです。プロのミュージシャンになろうと決心したのはその頃で、その過程で、私にはフランス・ジャズの先駆者の一人であった曽祖父がいることを知りました: ロジェ・フィスバッハ、愛称ミルフォードです。偶然?それとも遺伝子の一致?




2. これからサクソフォーンを始めたいと考えている人や、演奏を始めたばかりの人に向けて、サクソフォーンにどのような魅力を感じているかについて教えて頂けますか?






3. 練習や演奏をする際、特に注意していることや心がけていること、あるいはあなた独自のルールはありますか?




4. 演奏家として人生のターニングポイントとなったエピソードがあれば、それについて教えて下さい。







5. ご自身の演奏に強く影響を受けた他の演奏家がいれば、彼らからどのような影響を受けたのか教えて下さい。(クラシックでなくても構いません)









6. 将来の目標(またはこれから新たに取り組みたいこと)について教えてください。



この過去と未来のエキサイティングなプロジェクトに加え、私は現在、作曲家の友人たちが書いた作品の創作に完全に特化した新しいソロCDのレコーディングを準備しています。このレコーディングは、原則として2025年春にリリースされる予定です。私はすべてのサクソフォーンを演奏し、特に特別な楽器として、1880年に製作されたオリジナルのアドルフ・サックスのテナーサクソフォーン(in C)を使用しています!



7. 最後に、アマチュア奏者の方や愛好家の方に向けて今一番伝えたいメッセージをお願いします。

これを読んでいる皆さんに、私はただ言いたい: 「演奏して、楽しんで!」。私たちは今、特に不安な時代を生きているように思えます。現代世界における現在の出来事は、多くの点で暗い未来を垣間見せます。だから今、芸術と音楽の世界というテーマについて議論できることは、なんと幸運なことでしょう!当然のことながら、音楽にはメッセージが込められており、政治的なビジョンが描かれていることも多い。しかし、音楽を通じて自己表現できるということは、すでに多くの有利な条件が満たされていることが前提であり、そうでなければそれは闘争です。



取材・文:梅本周平(Wind Band Press)


Interview with Carl-Emmanuel Fisbach, Saxophone

1. Would you start by briefly telling me about your background, where and how you grew up, and how you got started as a professional Saxophone player?

I fell in love with the saxophone at first sight when I went to a concert by saxophonist Joshua Redman around the age of 7 at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris.

It must be said that I was a little conditioned since I was immersed, thanks to great music-loving parents, in a very musical environment where jazz and classical music – but especially jazz – were omnipresent.

The rest is quite simple: I started taking lessons in a music school. I lived in Angers, a city located about 300 kilometers southwest of Paris, in the Maine-et-Loire region. What is special I think about my journey is that my first teacher managed to divert me from my first passion, which was jazz, to make me literally fall in love with the classical saxophone. My language today is classical music and modern music. However, I feel extremely close to the language of jazz, which I know very well, even if I don’t practice it.

Finally, I can say the saxophone is my ‘tool’. For me, the temptation is always to love the ‘tool’ too much, even if it is fabulous, to the detriment of the ‘meaning’ of the music, the ‘language’. The difficulty is to remain focused on the language and the artistic message.

My career then followed the French and European system of artistic education up to the C.N.S.M.D.P. My regular teachers included Vincent David, Jean-Yves Fourmeau, Arno Bornkamp and Claude Delangle.

I cite them because before being my teachers, I listened to them repeatedly in recordings from the age of 13-14, to the point of knowing by heart the slightest inflection of the interpretations of certain of their scores. It was at that age that I decided to become a professional musician, discovering in the process that I had a great-grandfather who had been among the pioneers of French jazz: Roger Fisbach, nicknamed Milford. Coincidence? Or genetic match?

In summary, my beginnings on the saxophone were with superb teachers and direct access to an incredible amount of recordings (I must also mention Marcel Mule, Jean-Marie Londeix, Daniel Deffayet and Nicolas Prost). It is said that jazzmen learn the language by remembering the emblematic solos of their idols; well, I was trying to do that with classical music.

I then became a professional musician by taking on concerts, little by little, towards the end of my studies. And at the same time I successively obtained positions in the network of French conservatories.
Today, I teach at the Conservatory of the 9th and 15th arrondissements of Paris.


2. Would you tell me what you find attractive about the Saxophone, for those who want to start playing Saxophone or those who have just started playing?

What I like about the saxophone? I can’t even say what it is anymore!… my life is so linked to this instrument that it’s been a long time since I asked myself this question! But, as I said above, my interest in this instrument was first sparked by a concert. It was the sound that touched me, this versatile timbre that differs so much from one person to another. Like a voice. And then, with hindsight, I wonder if many other instruments have this capacity to integrate so many musical styles, languages… there is something for everyone.
Paradoxically, the saxophone is one of the last instruments invented.

Our relationship with a musical instrument can be compared to a romantic relationship. First there is a superficial discovery, we hear the sound of the instrument, something that could be described as ≪ objective ≫. The affinity is there, or not. If it is there, then we get to know each other, we discover the musical languages, the personality, and then it becomes (even) more interesting and subjective.

Because yes, what attracts me today to the saxophone is the way it allows me to express myself. There are no limits: all techniques are possible, all registers are possible. A saxophonist rarely plays just one saxophone; he can play higher or lower saxophones, depending on his mood. Saxophonists who start on the saxophone do not realize this right away, because learning is generally done on a single instrument. But very quickly, it will be possible for them to play different saxophones… up to 6 or 7: sopranino, soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass (double bass)! Of course, you have to be able to obtain them, buy them or have them on a loan, and some saxophones are much more difficult to play than others.

One last thing not to forget: the pleasure of breathing. Breath is life. And this direct relationship to sound production is something so strong! Another aspect I really like is that in the saxophone, there is something alive: the reed, which is made of reed, carries with it a real element of unpredictability. The saxophonist spends his or her life taming sound.


3. When practicing or performing, are there any rules that you pay special attention to, keep in mind, or that are unique to you?

One of the main problems for young saxophonists is therefore… the sound! The famous search for a good reed. Over the years, I have learnt and tried to gain perspective on the subject. As my master Claude Delangle told me, I try to think every moment that I have “the best reed in the world”. Because, we must have two things in mind regarding this parameter: the ideal reed does not exist and, we can adapt to the reed much more and much faster than we believe.

One of the problems of the less young saxophonist (musician) is “centering” and “full awareness” and full presence to be achieved during the playing. Indeed, in our modern society where everything goes quickly and where we take the habit of doing four things at the same time, we must keep in mind that the audience forgives nothing and feels all the emotions that go through us. So, just one moment with a loss of concentration, even a very short one, during the performance of a concerto – which we have rehearsed
over and over again – can make a big difference. When you play, you have to disconnect as much as possible from the present, from the little worries of everyday life, and go deep into the music.


4. Would you tell me about any episodes that were turning points in your life as a player?

It is quite difficult for me to answer this question… when you are a musician, each concert is a unique moment, often memorable and at the same time an opportunity to question yourself, to move forward.

I now think of a particularly strong moment in my musical life, it was before going on stage, to play a duet with percussion in the prestigious Suntory Hall, Tokyo. I had never played so exposed in such an important venue, and, of course, this baptism had to take place approximately 10,000 kilometers from home!

It was at the end of a wonderful trip, I was both very tired and very happy with the tour. I remember the backstage of this impressive venue, and particularly its large digital clocks with large red numbers which moved forward, inevitably, as if to tell me “the time has come, you are going to go”. I was between stress, irritation, excitement. I dreaded the moment of going onstage, the moment when I would visualize from the stage these thousand people who were going to listen to us. And yet, that day, all the conditions were met, I was in pretty good shape. But I had the strange feeling that joy and fear were inseparable.

On stage, I would have to tell everyone something interesting.

Then the first sound came out of my instrument and all this mixture of thoughts of all kinds evaporated in an instant. I think that the emotions of this evening changed my vision of the profession a little. I’m not ready to forget this moment.


5. If there are other players who have strongly influenced your playing, would you tell me how they have influenced you? (It does not have to be classical music)

I propose to name five artists, in alphabetical order, who have particularly influenced my way of playing: a pianist and four saxophonists.

Pierre-Laurent Aimard: this great French pianist was my chamber music teacher for several years. It was not only his playing that influenced me – I knew his recordings long before meeting the musician personally – but also his calm and powerful presence. The advice he gave me had a different scope. Beyond a simple and pragmatic understanding of his words, I could feel such an experience of this unique magic that operates when musicians are on stage, an immense experience mixed with wisdom. Pierre-Laurent Aimard’s sense of phrasing and his uncompromising rigor particularly influenced me.

Arno Bornkamp: I had also known this musician for a long time, before meeting him personally. Arno’s expressive and velvety sound, the softness of his attacks, the intelligence of his phrasing had an immense influence on me. Arno also allowed me to adopt a distanced posture on my own playing and habits; therefore gain more control. And you can listen to him talk for hours: he has an impressive number of concert anecdotes to tell!

John Coltrane: I would have loved to hear this genius in concert… an outstanding instrumentalist, and an immense artist!! There is so much to learn from such musicians. Apart from his playing, I was impressed to learn that he worked all the time… even in his hotel room during his tours. The mystical aspect of this musician and the evolution of his playing over the course of his life are quite fascinating.

Claude Delangle: my master! With Claude, I learned a lot, naturally in music, and with the saxophone. But also, on the way of approaching musical situations, on life in general, on the art of savoring life! His playing and his technique for the instrument are for me essential references of the classical saxophone, as much as the artistic vision and the intelligence of the construction of the projects that he leads, with seasoned perfectionism.

Jean-Yves Fourmeau: my other master! Generosity and talent personified. Being around this musician gives you wings! Authenticity, freedom, ease, naturalness… I never got tired of listening to Jean-Yves.

So, overall, among these five musicians, I admire not only their way of playing, but also their commitment and energy, their way of holding the stage, their way of expressing themselves and finally, their career. I would say that listening to them and being around them (of course except Coltrane) has transformed me.


6. Would you tell me about your future goals (or new initiatives you would like to undertake in the future).

The period of the CoVid pandemic was particularly fruitful for me – apart from the fact that I had CoVid several times! This period took me a little out of the concert schedule that I had previously led (classes, public classes, concerts). The birth of my daughter, at the time when Covid was starting to make headlines, probably had something to do with it too…

It was perhaps the questions that arose at that time about traveling to play, with an awareness (more affirmed, let’s say) of the impact of travel on ecology, which made me want to work locally (and therefore in Paris, for me) and to recreate a concert activity. At the time, I studied how festivals worked and then a few years later, with friends, I created the Adolphe Sax Festival. Since then, there have already been three editions of the festival and we are considering preparing a fourth one. This project is both a past and future project. Getting into artistic production, creating artistic activity is very enriching for a musician. This gives full meaning to the notes we play! Not to mention the fact that we appreciate well-organized productions all the more since we know the extent of the work that their preparation represents.

In addition to this exciting project, both past and future, I am currently preparing the recording of a new CD, solo, entirely dedicated to the creation of works written by composer friends. This recording will in principle be released in spring 2025. I play all the saxophones, including a particularly special instrument: an original Adolphe Sax tenor saxophone in C from 1880!

The Ars Nova ensemble, of which I am the saxophonist, has also punctuated my artistic life for 5 years already. This ensemble celebrated its 60th anniversary last year. This is the first contemporary music ensemble created in the 20th century. The work around creation and multidisciplinary projects are exhilarating. This year again, the prospect of the many creations to come delights me.


7. Finally, what is the most important message you would like to give to amateur players and fans?

To everyone reading this, I would just like to say: “Play and enjoy!”. It seems to me that we are living in a particularly anxious time. Current events in the contemporary world, in many respects, can give us a glimpse of a dark future. So how lucky we are now to be able to discuss the subject of the artistic and musical world! Naturally, music carries messages and often, a political vision. However, being able to express oneself through music already presupposes that many favorable conditions are met, or else it is a struggle.

So, if you have a saxophone in your hands, don’t ask yourself too many questions: just play it!


Interview and text by Shuhei Umemoto (Wind Band Press)


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